As awareness of missionary care has grown in recent years, it has become clear that there are at least four levels of care. The principles of this volume touch primarily on the Personal/Relational Level. The goal is for the missionary to develop a partnership team who share the same vision with him, who have an equal commitment to their God-give task, who focus their energy on that area of care, and who will share the joy of victory through Jesus Christ.
After a careful and prayerful readi...
AUTHOR(s): Neal Pirolo
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Serving As Senders: How to Care for Your Missionaries While They are Preparing to Go, While They are on the Field and When They Return Home. The title says it all! A missionary needs care in at least six areas: Moral Support, Logistics Support, Financial Support, Prayer Support, Communication Support, and Reentry Support. This book gives scores of practical ideas in how a team can provide the necessary care for a missionary. Chapter One tells "when" and "why" a missionary needs care. Chapters T...
AUTHOR(s): Pirolo, Neal
PUBLISHER: Emmaus Road Intl ISBN: 978-1-880185-24-7
SOURCE: Amazon
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Are you dreaming of working abroad? Imagining serving God in another land? Or are you already on the field, unsure about what to do next or how to manage the stresses of cross-cultural life? Or perhaps you've been on the field a while now, and you're weary, maybe so weary that you wonder how much longer you can keep going. If any of these situations describes you, there is hope inside this book. You'll find steps you can take to prepare for the field, as well as ways to find strength and renewa...
AUTHOR(s): Elizabeth and Jonathan Trotter
PUBLISHER: Resource Publications
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Everyone in Member Care or involved in supporting single people working in overseas or cross-cultural mission MUST read this book! It highlights all the potential problems singles might face and speaks into them from a position of knowledge and personal experience.
By: Debbie Hawker and Tim Herbert
AUTHOR(s): Debbie Hawker , Tim Herbert
PUBLISHER: Condeo Press ISBN: 978-0-9892440-3-9
SOURCE: Amazon
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Authors from eighteen countries give us their perspectives on biblical principles and cultural expressions of spirituality particularly as the church engages in God's mission. The anthology of texts enriches our understanding of the depth and the meaning of being spiritual and the diversity of forms to live out the Christian faith. The issue today is how spirituality should direct and guide a daily life as followers of Jesus in the engagement in the mission of God. No doubt that it has to do wi...
AUTHOR(s): Amalraj, John , Hahn, Geoffrey W., Taylor, William D.
PUBLISHER: William Carey Library ISBN: 978-0-87808-056-4
SOURCE: Amazon
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