There have been a lot of books written about Third Culture Kids but not so many for them, especially for young TCKs. Swirly, written by adult-TCK Sara Saunders and illustrated by Matthew Pierce, he…
AUTHOR(s): Thompson, Craig
SOURCE: A Life Overseas |
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The author, the child of missionaries to Korea, explores the acculturation of the missionaries in their adopted land and the issues facing them and their children on return to the USA. While her stories are specific to Korea, the difficulties and rewards of living in another culture and of switching between cultures are familiar to many who have lived for an extended period in another country. Anyone who has experienced the challenges of orientation in a strange place to what were the most rout...
AUTHOR(s): Donna Sidwell DeGracia
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People talk about retirement like it’s supposed to be an endless vacation. But what if, like the majority of those facing retirement, you can’t afford such a luxury? Or, what if you just want something more from retirement? Some advocate for no retirement at all. But you’ve worked for decades and a rest and reprieve do sound appealing. What should you do? Does God have a purpose for your retirement?
Yes, He does. Learn how to discern what it is by taking an uncommon approach. Jeff Haan...
AUTHOR(s): Jeff Haanen
PUBLISHER: Moody Publishers
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"I am a recovering speed addict."
Beginning with this confession, pastor and spiritual director Alan Fadling goes on to describe his journey out of the fast lane and into the rhythms of Jesus.
Following the framework of Jesus' earthly life, Fadling shows how the work of "unhurrying" ourselves is central to our spiritual development in such pivotal areas as resisting temptation, caring for others, praying and making disciples.
Here is a book that affirms that we are called to work and to d...
AUTHOR(s): Alan Fadling
PUBLISHER: InterVarsity Press
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