There are TWO WAYS to finding resources and each will show them in a different place. The simplest one, is by selecting a topic or a type and going through the list of items shown under the title "GENERAL LIST OF ITEMS;" or two, by using the Search Box (light grey background) and perusing the results listed inside it.



Search Box:

This is an advanced search box and there are three ways in which you can use it:
1) By entering one word, i.g: faith,
2) By entering an exact phrase between quotes, i.g: "Faith on the Move" or author "John Certalic" and lastly,
3) By entering different keywords connected by logic operators "AND" / "OR" between them to really fine tune what you need, i.g: faith AND move.
After any of these three options, make sure to click the button "SEARCH."



If any, your search results will be shown before the above red line.


Under here you will find the General List of Library Resources OR a filtered list IF you have selected either a topic or a type. Both will be ordered alphabetically and are NOT related to the results of using the SEARCH BOX ABOVE this title (a light grey background with a dark border box), which will be listed, if any, inside it .
The only thing you can be sure you can move around the world is your child's ability to increase his or her interpersonal skills. In today's global world, each of us is searching for effective tools that can help our children to thrive. Emotional Resilience for the Expat Child provides a step-by-step guide that is designed to increase a child's emotional vocabulary and emotional intelligence. Doing this will enable your child to achieve his or her fullest potential. The bond between an adult an...

AUTHOR(s): Simens, Julia
PUBLISHER: Summertime Publishing ISBN: 978-1-904881-34-6
SOURCE: Amazon

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Third Culture Kids are Global Nomads who have moved in between cultures many times and therefore are a part of many cultures. Their beauty and challenge in life is to integrate and embrace all their experiences into a life story that reflects who they are. Using interactive and reflective activities to accomplish this, the whole brain and body are involved in the processing. Deeper relationships are built as families and groups do the activities together. Young and adult TCKs, parents, teachers...

AUTHOR(s): Ernvik, Ulrika
PUBLISHER: Familjeglädje
SOURCE: Amazon

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The experience of growing up without the opportunity to ever "put down roots" A fusion of voices and deeply personal experiences from every corner of the globe,  Unrooted Childhoods  presents a cultural mosaic of today's citizens of the world. In twenty stirring memoirs of childhoods spent packing, writings by both world-famous and first-time authors (many published here for the first time) make universal the story of growing up without the opportunity to ever feel rooted. Best-selling fict...

AUTHOR(s): Sichel, Nina

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AUTHOR(s): Kuja, Ryan
SOURCE: a life overseas: the missions conversation

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