Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief eBook: Pauline Boss: Kindle Store

Ambiguous Loss: Learning to Live with Unresolved Grief eBook: Pauline Boss: Kindle Store


When a loved one dies we mourn our loss. We take comfort in the rituals that mark the passing, and we turn to those around us for support. But what happens when there is no closure, when a family member or a friend who may be still alive is lost to us nonetheless? How, for example, does the mother whose soldier son is missing in action, or the family of an Alzheimer's patient who is suffering from severe dementia, deal with the uncertainty surrounding this kind of loss?

In this sensitive and lucid account, Pauline Boss explains that, all too often, those confronted with such ambiguous loss fluctuate between hope and hopelessness. Suffered too long, these emotions can deaden feeling and make it impossible for people to move on with their lives. Yet the central message of this book is that they can move on.

Author: Pauline Boss

Publisher: Harvard University Press

This resource was published on Aug 23, 2020 and was last updated on Sep 15, 2021

AUTHOR(s): Pauline Boss

PUBLISHER: Harvard University Press

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