Raising Up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids: A Practical Guide to Preventive Care

Raising Up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids: A Practical Guide to Preventive Care


If we could ensure that our TCKs would grow up healthy and resilient, we would do it in a heartbeat. In Raising up a Generation of Healthy Third Culture Kids, Lauren Wells has gifted us with a gentle guide and a preventive health primer, unique in the field of third culture kid literature. This book is a goldmine of wisdom, organized in a practical and readable format. While we cannot know all our TCKs will go through, we can take a giant step forward by learning how to multiply the benefits of a global life and conversely pay attention to the challenges that can become stumbling blocks to healthy development. If you are working with, raising, or love third culture kids from any part of the globe, this book will give you practical ways to be proactive about the way you raise up third culture kids.

By: Lauren Wells

This resource was published on Sep 11, 2021 and was last updated on Sep 14, 2021

AUTHOR(s): Wells, Lauren

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