A recent national survey found that a third of boys thought society expects them to “be a man” and “suck it up” when they feel sad or scared. Another third said they believed they should “hide or suppress their feelings when they feel sad or scared.” About half of boys polled said “they want to learn more about having the ‘right to feel any way you want.’” Depression is on the rise across the U.S., and young men may be shouldering the brunt of the despair associated with a lack of close friends...
AUTHOR(s): Compton, Julie
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We are an independent nonprofit dedicated to transforming the lives of children struggling with mental health and learning disorders.
SOURCE: Child Mind Institute
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Massive number of audiobooks available, across many topics. The topics covered are wide-ranging and all coming from a Christian worldview.
The mission of christianaudio.com is to be one of the most trusted places on the Internet for the refreshment and growth of the soul. The vision of christianaudio and christianaudio.com is to shape Christian hearts to think and do right . We believe in publishing and selling products which will promote spiritual growth by inspiring Christians to thin...
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Dr. Ron Koteskey and his wife Bonnie are volunteering their time to provide mental health resources for cross-cultural workers around the world. As part of this service they have developed a series of brochures / articles, and written a series of e-books including: "Coming Home": The Re-entry Transition, We're Going Home: Reentry for Elementary School Children (with a guide for parents), What Cross-Cultural Workers Ought to Know, one for parents titled Understanding Adolescence, and one for TCK...
AUTHOR(s): Koteskey, Ronald L. , Koteskey, Bonnie
SOURCE: Cross Cultural Workers
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Ten reasons why parents should offer the gift of a smartphone-free childhood
AUTHOR(s): Dahlstrom, S. J.
SOURCE: World News Magazine
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