There are TWO WAYS to finding resources and each will show them in a different place. The simplest one, is by selecting a topic or a type and going through the list of items shown under the title "GENERAL LIST OF ITEMS;" or two, by using the Search Box (light grey background) and perusing the results listed inside it.



Search Box:

This is an advanced search box and there are three ways in which you can use it:
1) By entering one word, i.g: faith,
2) By entering an exact phrase between quotes, i.g: "Faith on the Move" or author "John Certalic" and lastly,
3) By entering different keywords connected by logic operators "AND" / "OR" between them to really fine tune what you need, i.g: faith AND move.
After any of these three options, make sure to click the button "SEARCH."



If any, your search results will be shown before the above red line.


Under here you will find the General List of Library Resources OR a filtered list IF you have selected either a topic or a type. Both will be ordered alphabetically and are NOT related to the results of using the SEARCH BOX ABOVE this title (a light grey background with a dark border box), which will be listed, if any, inside it .
Are you a victim of spiritual abuse? Are you discouraged from questioning the decisions or teachings church leaders make? If you do little or no volunteer work for the church, do you feel like a second-class Christian? Does your pastor insist on being addressed by a title such as "Dr". or "Pastor"? Do you hear many broad, vague appeals to "surrender fully", "yield completely" or "lay it all on the altar"? Are public reports about various ministry activities sometimes exaggerated? Do church memb...

AUTHOR(s): Blue, Ken
SOURCE: Amazon

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When Taylor Murray arrived in Japan, she felt like she was on an adventure-an adventure that God had called her family to take. The unique food, the strange language and the foreign culture were exciting and new. But the novelty of life overseas wore off, and Taylor became overwhelmed with frustration, loneliness and the sorrow of leaving everything she knew-the States, her home, her extended family-for everything she didn't know. She kept these emotions hidden in her heart until they reached a...

AUTHOR(s): Murray, Taylor
PUBLISHER: Bottomline Media ISBN: 978-0-9852192-5-3
SOURCE: Amazon

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El Chico o Chica de Tercera Cultura es el hijo o hija de una familia de empresarios, diplomáticos, emigrantes o misioneros que se han mudado de su país natal a otros país. Sus hijos tienen la difícil tarea de adaptarse y arraigarse en un mundo de culturas cambiantes. El autor contesta las preguntas difíciles que surgen a raíz de la difícil transición cultural y emocional que han de realizar estos hijos; aquellos que llamamos CTC. A la vez de contestar las preguntas da consejos prácticos pa...

AUTHOR(s): Eddy, Guillermo

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Was your father or mother a pastor, evangelist, rabbi, denominational superintendent, worship minister, missionary or key leader of a para-church organization?If so, then this book is for you ... not about you, for you.Whether you think your experience was good or bad, the truth is, it was both. "I have to be perfect!" If you've ever told yourself this lie, you need to check out Timothy Sanford's book. Whether you've grown-up in a ministry family or struggle with perfectionism, you'll find enco...

AUTHOR(s): Sanford, Timothy L.
SOURCE: Amazon

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Born in the mid-1990s up to the mid-2000s, iGen is the first generation to spend their entire adolescence in the age of the smartphone. With social media and texting replacing other activities, iGen spends less time with their friends in person—perhaps contributing to their unprecedented levels of anxiety, depression, and loneliness.   By: Jean M. Twenge

AUTHOR(s): Twenge, Jean M.
PUBLISHER: Atria Books
SOURCE: Amazon

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