Differences between our learning experience and our child’s learning experience can mean we fail to recognize points of real crisis for our child. Here’s a quick look at four distinct learning styles and how to help your child.
AUTHOR(s): Wilson, Catherine
SOURCE: Focus on the Family
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This story utilizes the vivid colors and art to teach children how feelings of sadness and happiness are natural experiences in life. Includes "Note to Parents" section.
By: Rob Goldblatt
AUTHOR(s): Goldblatt, Rob
PUBLISHER: Magination Press ISBN: 978-1-59147-135-6
SOURCE: Amazon
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A recent national survey found that a third of boys thought society expects them to “be a man” and “suck it up” when they feel sad or scared. Another third said they believed they should “hide or suppress their feelings when they feel sad or scared.” About half of boys polled said “they want to learn more about having the ‘right to feel any way you want.’” Depression is on the rise across the U.S., and young men may be shouldering the brunt of the despair associated with a lack of close friends...
AUTHOR(s): Compton, Julie
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Most discussions of PTSD focus on veterans to the extent that many people who suffer from PTSD are often undiagnosed or misdiagnosed, especially among our children. Since PTSD can masquerade as ADHD, depression, anxiety, personality disorders, and even extreme stoicism, many people suffer without access to effective treatment modalities. Dani Bostick is an educator, writer, and advocate in Winchester, Virginia. Her current work as a teacher and prior experience as a mental health counselor have...
AUTHOR(s): Bostick, Dani
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Erik Vyhmeister explains what it means to be a Third Culture Kid, and why this matters in an increasingly connected world. Having grown up across four continents, Erik Vyhmeister shares his experience as a Third Culture Kid both abroad and returning "home" to the United States.
Presenter: Erik Vyhmeister Length: 15:49
AUTHOR(s): Erik Vyhmeister
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