There are TWO WAYS to finding resources and each will show them in a different place. The simplest one, is by selecting a topic or a type and going through the list of items shown under the title "GENERAL LIST OF ITEMS;" or two, by using the Search Box (light grey background) and perusing the results listed inside it.



Search Box:

This is an advanced search box and there are three ways in which you can use it:
1) By entering one word, i.g: faith,
2) By entering an exact phrase between quotes, i.g: "Faith on the Move" or author "John Certalic" and lastly,
3) By entering different keywords connected by logic operators "AND" / "OR" between them to really fine tune what you need, i.g: faith AND move.
After any of these three options, make sure to click the button "SEARCH."



If any, your search results will be shown before the above red line.


Under here you will find the General List of Library Resources OR a filtered list IF you have selected either a topic or a type. Both will be ordered alphabetically and are NOT related to the results of using the SEARCH BOX ABOVE this title (a light grey background with a dark border box), which will be listed, if any, inside it .
I was talking to the principal of an international school recently, and he had never heard the term “Third Culture Kid” (TCK). This really surprised me. By now, after more than three decades of res… By: Lisa McKay

AUTHOR(s): McKay, Lisa
SOURCE: A Life Overseas |

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Yes, we can maximize these strange days as a gift from a generous Father. By:  MARK ODEN  •  STEFANO MARIOTTI

AUTHOR(s): Mariotti, Mark Oden • Stefano
SOURCE: The Gospel Coalition

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You can provide safe video chat for your kids. They can enjoy building close relationships with loved ones and avoid dangerous people and situations with these rules. By: Jen Ferguson

AUTHOR(s): Ferguson, Jen
SOURCE: Protect Young Minds

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Melissa Chaplin, author or “Returning Well” helps us understand what it’s like for workers to return “home” after cross-cultural service. Melissa offers insight to churches to help them lovingly care for cross-cultural workers who are re-integrating into life in their passport country.

AUTHOR(s): Chaplin, Melissa
SOURCE: Global Missions Podcast

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Children's books fostering awareness and empathy for kids on the spectrum. By: Caroline Bologna

AUTHOR(s): Bologna, Caroline
PUBLISHER: Huffington Post

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