El Chico o Chica de Tercera Cultura es el hijo o hija de una familia de empresarios, diplomáticos, emigrantes o misioneros que se han mudado de su país natal a otros país. Sus hijos tienen la difícil tarea de adaptarse y arraigarse en un mundo de culturas cambiantes.
El autor contesta las preguntas difíciles que surgen a raíz de la difícil transición cultural y emocional que han de realizar estos hijos; aquellos que llamamos CTC. A la vez de contestar las preguntas da consejos prácticos pa...
AUTHOR(s): Eddy, Guillermo
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Grief is an emotional, mental, and spiritual wound — and this is precisely because it is a relational wound.
AUTHOR(s): Caldwell, Tony
SOURCE: Red Letter Christians
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Excellent article for TCKs on Identity.
By: Jeannie Shepherd
AUTHOR(s): Shepherd, Jeannie
SOURCE: Ministry Essentials
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'Home Keeps Moving' follows Heidi and her missionary family on their many moves through the eyes of a Third Culture Kid (TCK) and the unique phenomena of having four very different home countries to relate to. It tells the true story of being catapulted from continent to continent constantly: leaving friends and starting all over again, her unquenchable search for a 'home' and sense of belonging in this world, her desire for a life-partner with the odds all but against her due to constantly rel...
AUTHOR(s): Sand-Hart, Heidi
PUBLISHER: McDougal Publishing Company ISBN: 978-1-58158-171-3
SOURCE: ChristianBook.com
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Out of years of personal experience and interaction with other expatriate/third culture families, Robin Pascoe has caught the essence of the challenges and struggles that all too often are faced by internationally mobile people without the appropriate and proper warnings.
It is clear that her goal is not to discourage people from the enriching experience of being a globally nomadic family, but rather to be better prepared to do it well and gain the greatest benefits from the experience. Th...
AUTHOR(s): Pascoe, Robin
PUBLISHER: Expatriate Press Limited ISBN: 978-0-9686760-4-2
SOURCE: Amazon
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