AUTHOR(s): Davis, Miriam
SOURCE: OMF | Missions to East Asia's People
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Children who grow up outside of their parent’s passport country, Third Culture Kids (TCKs), experience a significant number of losses, grief-inducing experiences, and traumas during their developmental years. These events stack up like blocks on a tower throughout the life of the TCK, creating what Lauren Wells has coined the Grief Tower. If it continues to stack without these experiences being processed, a TCK's Grief Tower is likely to crash in their early adulthood. But is this avoidable? Ca...
AUTHOR(s): Lauren Wells
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How would our church cultures be different if every family believed they had a strategic part in God’s story of blessing the nations?...The modern missions movement was founded in prayer, but it was sustained by multigenerational faithfulness... God created the very first family with his mission in mind (Gen 1:27–28)... If God made families the central focus of his mission strategy, maybe we should too.
Also available in French, Korean, Portuguese, Spanish
By Carissa Pot...
AUTHOR(s): Potter, Carissa , Hardin, Karen
PUBLISHER: Lausanne Movement
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In this pioneering book, Joseph Shaules presents exciting new research from cultural psychology and neuroscience. It sheds light on the hidden influence of culture on the unconscious mind, and helps people get more out of their intercultural journeys.The Intercultural Mind presents new perspectives on important questions such as: What is culture shock, and how does it affect us? Why are we blind to our own cultural conditioning? Can cultural differences be measured? What does it mean to have an...
AUTHOR(s): Shaules, Joseph
PUBLISHER: Quercus ISBN: 978-1-941176-00-9
SOURCE: Amazon
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For Adults too!A steady best-seller and The Invisible String is reaching all over the World!OVER 1/4 MILLION copies sold! "That's impossible", said twins Jeremy & Liza after their Mom told them they're all connected by this thing called an Invisible String. "What kind of string"? They asked with a puzzled look to which Mom replied, "An Invisible String made of love." That's where the story begins. A story that teaches of the tie that really binds. The Invisible String reaches from heart to hear...
AUTHOR(s): Karst, Patrice
PUBLISHER: DeVorss & Company ISBN: 978-0-87516-734-3
SOURCE: Amazon
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