There are TWO WAYS to finding resources and each will show them in a different place. The simplest one, is by selecting a topic or a type and going through the list of items shown under the title "GENERAL LIST OF ITEMS;" or two, by using the Search Box (light grey background) and perusing the results listed inside it.



Search Box:

This is an advanced search box and there are three ways in which you can use it:
1) By entering one word, i.g: faith,
2) By entering an exact phrase between quotes, i.g: "Faith on the Move" or author "John Certalic" and lastly,
3) By entering different keywords connected by logic operators "AND" / "OR" between them to really fine tune what you need, i.g: faith AND move.
After any of these three options, make sure to click the button "SEARCH."



If any, your search results will be shown before the above red line.


Under here you will find the General List of Library Resources OR a filtered list IF you have selected either a topic or a type. Both will be ordered alphabetically and are NOT related to the results of using the SEARCH BOX ABOVE this title (a light grey background with a dark border box), which will be listed, if any, inside it .
Facing Danger guides cross-cultural workers through a biblical discussion on risk, providing a spiritual and practical framework for working through cross-cultural risk assessment and management.In this book, Anna E. Hampton discusses:Four connections related to risk between the Old and New Testaments.Essential elements of cross-cultural risk assessment and management.Balancing the tension between the leading of the Holy Spirit, wise stewardship, and God's invitation to risk.Twelve risk myths o...

AUTHOR(s): Hampton, Dr Anna E. , Briscoe, Stuart
PUBLISHER: Zendagi Press
SOURCE: Amazon

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The COVID-19 pandemic has generated grief in all of our lives. We have lost jobs, financial security, health, community connections, and the opportunity to gather and celebrate significant milestones such as graduations, weddings, births, and anniversaries. In addition, we are reminded daily of the lives lost to the virus. These losses raise larger questions for us as Christians. How do we understand and process grief as people of faith? How can we support vulnerable and grieving members o...
SOURCE: Sanctuary Ministries

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More and more families raise their children abroad. This book helps these parents take their kids through the awkward and frustrating third-culture kid moments. By: Marion Knell

AUTHOR(s): Knell,Marion
PUBLISHER: Monarch Books ISBN: 978-0825460180

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In this blog post, Andrea Sears conducts a further analysis of the results of a "returned misisonary" survey, examining how family factors influence missionary attrition.  By: Andrea Sears

AUTHOR(s): Sears, Andrea
SOURCE: A Life Overseas |

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14 Reentry Bible Studies for those returning from career or short-term overseas service.  NOTE: may be out of print, unavailable in Sept 2021 By: Howard and Bonnie Lisech

AUTHOR(s): Lisech, Howard , Lisech, Bonnie

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